The kitties are not allowed in the main house, but we have no such rule for our house! On the first morning, Tristan and I were enjoying our coffee, when she looked out and saw TBG toting the kitties into the RV from the barn.
Tristan & Lee had said they'd seen a moose occasionally in the area, and on our first evening, TBG sounded the alert that a big bull was trotting right across the middle of the open BLM field toward the spring area across the road from the house.
We had an unobstructed view and plenty of time to watch him before he made his way up and over the colorful hillside.
Lava Hot Springs is less than 10 miles from Bancroft, and our friend Brad had stopped both on his way to meet us in the Tetons and again on his return trip, and highly recommended their city-run natural hot pools. Tristan had been and also had high praise for them. Lee stayed home to mind the critters, and TBG dropped us gals off on his way in to Pocatello to pick up an RV part.
We had perfect weather, not quite hot out, and the facility is placed so prettily between the hills with the autumn colors surrounding it. Other than someone accidentally locking our locker when they confused which one they'd put their things in, and an older gentleman who fell asleep in one of the 105* pools and was still receiving assistance when we left, it was a truly splendid time.
Whenever Tristan and I get together, great food is bound to follow. She served us up her delectable lasagna one evening and fresh trout on another. We put our skills together on the third evening to make a pressure cooker beef stroganoff that we all declared was one of the best dishes we'd ever had. Being Idaho, we served ours over mashed potatoes rather than noodles. As if that wasn't enough, Tristan also made us another green tomato cake, the first being such a hit during our Colorado visit with them.
I’ve wanted to get to those hot springs for awhile. Thx for sharing pics. The moose video was the best though
If you’re ever going through that way, I highly recommend Lava Hot Springs, especially in the fall. Cooler weather and the beautiful hillsides just make their many pools that much more appealing. Maybe a moose will come by while you’re soaking!!
Is it an optical illusion, or is Essie really 2/3 the size of your friends’ home?? You have room to acquire your own kitty, you know, instead of borrowing from friends and passers by. 🙂 Loved the moose video!
Essie really was nearly as long as their house, though the depth is lacking in the photo. Are you and Laurel in cahoots trying to convince us to get a road kitty? We’re happy still borrowing all the pets — such a great variety this way! That moose was a special surprise since we thought we’d seen our last for awhile when we left the Tetons.
How fun that your friends moved just in time so that you could visit them again! And they got kittens and goats for you! 🙂 It looks like a splendid visit. I still think you guys need a travel cat.
We spent a couple of glorious days several years ago at Lava Hot Springs. It’s one of our all-time favorite developed hot springs…and we were also there in the fall for the gorgeous colors. I’ve always wanted to return, so I’m glad to see it’s just as lovely as I remember. As I recall, the only downside is that their wine selection at the local grocery was limited to about a dozen flavors of Boone’s Farm, LOL.
It’s true Laurel. Plenty of Boone’s Farm was available and knowing your discriminating taste for it we picked up a bottle for you which we’ll send soon. 😘
I hope you got me the blue one!! 😂
The kittens were so fun and playful and cuddly. We’re not getting one, though, so you’ll have to bring your travel cat to us!
Aren’t those just some of the best hot springs? And yay for fall there! I didn’t check out the grocery wines, but it did take me too long to choose a cold drink there because they had two massive floor-to-ceiling drink displays. I was overwhelmed LOL Despite the local beverage woes, I do hope you’re able to return someday!
Well, that all sounds amazing! Goats and cats and hot springs and hot showers and fresh trout and stroganoff (which, by the way, I love me some egg noodles, but I gotta say, the mashed potatoes sound like a pretty great way to have it as well…. could we do both? Stroganoff on a bed of mashed potatoes on a bed of egg noodles??? I mean, yes, you would get fat, but that seems like a small price to pay for so much carb-y goodness all at once. Anyway, give it some thought. Glad you had a great time!
Yes, we could do both egg noodles and potatoes! We’ll call it “notatoes” or “poodles!” Trust me, we’ll burn off calories just making it — for an IP recipe, it was involved, and my right bicep was a little sore from the meat carving. We were both glad there were two of us working on it!
Love the moose video. What timing to catch him jumping the fence. Sounds like another fun stop with friends.
TBG realized as we were watching him that he’d have to hop the fence if he continued on his trajectory. He did, and we caught him! We only have fun friends 😉
We loved having you guys and though we have no plans to move soon, we hope we are on your path next year too. The moose has not yet returned but a herd of buggeling elk came through and now tons of hunters. The kitties and chicks miss you and so do we. Stay warm dear friends.
We loved being there — always a happy time with you two. Isn’t it amazing that the bull moose came through that first night? What a treat! It would’ve been nice to see the elk, too. Are the hunters loud? We miss the kitties and chicks and you both, too. Here’s hoping your first winter in your new home is filled with warmth. ❤
What a wonderful visit with friends. Thank you for getting the moose video. Love how he just walked over the fence with those long legs. So cool to watch.
“What fence?” asked the gangly moose.
Exactly! He literally just walked along as if it wasn’t there. Too funny!
love the moose video….I love seeing moose! Goats, not so much, walking goats, not so much!
Whaaaat? You wouldn’t jump at the chance for some goat-walking? It’s the best as long as one of them doesn’t take a notion to ram your thigh for funsies. Ask me how I know. 😀
I KNOW how you know! We had a friend with a “cute” goat at her barn and our son finally took to walking into the barn holding a garbage can cover up as a shield! The friend thought it was cute, and that the stupid goat was “just playing with you” Playing shouldn’t produce bruises!
Love the video of the Moose
reminded me of a wire fence I put up around my ham radio tower and antenna….
my moose like the one in your video
just jumped over it….Grrrrrrrrr
Even though it wasn’t our first moose sighting we’ll never tire of catching a glimpse of one. Sounds like you’ve seen more than your fair share, especially once they become fence-jumpin’ pests! 😀
Getting closer!
Im thankful that there are still RVrs who shares new places and fun activities such as goat herding or cat sitting 🙂 And I would like to taste the beef stroganoff, Im drooling at it.
Wow a bull moose strolling along for evening entertainment is a treat! I missed these kinds of sightings.
I sent you an email, cause my sent texts were returned undelivered.
Inch by inch!
I’m thankful to still BE an RVer who gets to experience these things, but I sure like knowing others enjoy following along. If it fits into our schedule (reply email sent this morning!) I will make you that stroganoff. I won’t be able to produce a live moose, but I can play some other short videos of that one 😀
First time I have ‘herd’ of walking goats.
Surely, you kid!
But seriously, we’ve not only walked goats ourselves, we’ve run across a few hikers with goats 🐐