As much as we love our friends and family, after our long string of back-to-back visits, we were seriously "peopled out." Unfortunately, we had lots of business to attend to before getting to our next longer stay in the Phoenix area, and that stretched us very thin in both the patience and social departments. We pushed back upcoming visitation plans, didn't reach out a few times when we could have, and basically became hermits again for a few weeks.
There was no stay that was long enough or special enough to write about exclusively, but we weren't completely without the things in which we find solace and happiness. I'll let the pictures fill you in.
TBG captured the full moon over Vegas from near the same place in which we were parked when we watched the lights on the strip go dark when Covid came to ante up.

We went out for a southwest-style breakfast and were alone on the patio.
We enjoyed flowers that the southwest offered up in the still-hot autumn.

We had a hike in Skyline Regional Park, retraining our eyes to spot rattlesnacks (none yet) and lizards (lots.)
Best, best, best of all, we're back in the land of my beloved sugar pigs.
These Costa's, though. They've been here all along, and they seem to be happy we're back. We are, too.
Heh. If you go to my personal FB account today, you’ll see that I have written much the same thing. We too are taking a minute to unpeople ourselves.
“It’s not you, it’s me!” 😂
I love those hummers. I had to take down my feeder as the wasps were swarming it. Any recommendations on how I can keep the feeder up and the hornets away?
That’s a tough one, but a few tips are to use feeders with deep wells so that Hummers can get to the nectar but wasps can’t. Also Hummers like red more, and wasps like yellow, so use solid red feeders. Dish-style feeders seem to help. Planting flowers nearby that bees & wasps like is said to help keep them off the feeders, and I’ve even heard that putting out a false wasp nest can deter them. I have no idea where to get such a thing, but maybe it’s a good paper mache craft project 😆 Now, if someone could tell me how to keep the woodpeckers from occasionally slamming into my feeder…
I hope one or more of these tips help — a life without hummies is no life at all!
My fake wasp nest is working thus far. 🤞 Fingers crossed it solved my problem and now I can enjoy regular visits from the local Hummers.
Aww, I’m glad you’re allowing the hummers to come visit, LOL!! We’re not getting hummers, but the butterflies are draining our nectar feeder daily. I’m happy with any fluttery things that want to visit.
I can understand how you guys would relish some quiet time after all of your social time recently. I kinda remember being ‘peopled out,’ but that was in the ‘before times!’ Cool full moon photo! And now I’m hungry looking at your breakfast.
Butterflies are equally enchanting! I hope that ol’ bear stays away from their juice. I always worried one would find my feeders in WA, but they didn’t, though they came through regularly.
That breakfast was pretty good, but nothing compared to TBG’s Big Breakfast, the whiteboard sign for which I still haven’t erased. I think I’ll keep it for when you find us on the road again 🥰
Haha… just be careful about complaining about socializing too much. Next thing you know, you might have to explain how you wrecked the whole world. 🙂
That moon photo is amazeballs. Print it!!!
Oh, you haven’t even begun to see the havoc I can wreak! J/K but if people could just be a little quieter, that would be great😆
Another future wall photo added to the list!
You hit on the downside to fulltiming…too many people at times! Visiting family is tough because it’s always full on family time when you’re there. Then, you hit areas where there are tons of RV friends. “Peopled Out” for sure!! This use to happen in Tucson which most of us hit in the winter. After a few days I would feel talked out and need a few days. Glad you were able to get some quiet, alone time. Love the moon over The Strip!!
You are so right, and now that we’re back in AZ, we’re preparing for the Winter Social Season, too. What kind of monster am I to gripe about too many friends? 😲🤣
Wow! That moon picture is amazing – has anyone else told you that? I think we travelers are all introverts at heart. It’s so wonderful to have friends on the road, in different places along the way, but it’s also wonderful to just “be” and enjoy our own company.
Hahaha, you’re the first!
Yes, I am an introvert! TBG is less so. It is a true blessing to have so many friends and loving families, and as introverted as I want to be sometimes, I know how fortunate we are. Hopefully, we’ll get to finally see your faces in person soon. If you don’t want to, just send out Lewis and no feelings will be hurt 😁
I am very impressed that you were able to recharge and get some alone time while visiting places like Vegas. Just looking at the strip from afar makes my head spin! Though I do love TBG’s moon shots. I am also not sure I could handle the whiplash of going from snowy mountain hikes to shorts and rattlesnack searching. But here’s hoping that you had enough quiet time to reset and prepare for winter in AZ, which is sure to be social!
It would’ve been much harder had we actually spent time *in” Vegas proper. 😆 You are correct in that the next wave of our social season is soon going to ramp up, but I think we’ll be all refreshed and able to relax and enjoy our friends!
I know the over-peopled feeling….
but with me its more because I am a curmudgeon.
Take a step back and just enjoy some isolation
it will recharge the battery of life.
Nothing wrong with not preferring the company of lots of people a lot of the time! We are getting some sufficient hermit time in. Social distancing has *always* been our thing!🙂
Sugar pigs! I love that. I’m going to have to steal your name 😋. I really miss them too when we aren’t in their area. My window feeder got knocked down in some high winds recently so will definitely replace it once we get to AZ.
I can relate to the alone time. One of the plus’ I think of full time rv life. Sometimes I have to be careful and not become a hermit 🙃.
But we hope to be part of your social circle when we get to AZ in a couple weeks.
Steal away! As with years past, we’re getting more than hummies checking out the sweet stuff. I’m glad the birds aren’t feeling anti-social!
We are definitely looking forward to meeting up with you when you get down here. The AZ Winter Social Extravaganza is why we’re laying low right now and recharging so we can relax and enjoy all our old and new friends!
See you soon 🙂